
All papers are availalbe digitally in Google Scholar.

year title
2024 "Covering one point process with another"
2024 "Fluctuations of the connectivity threshold and largest nearest-neighbour link"
2024 "On the rate of convergence in the Hall-Janson coverage theorem"
2023 "A generalized {K}ubilius-{B}arban-{V}inogradov bound for prime multiplicities"
2023 "Multivariate Stable Approximation by {S}tein’s Method"
2023 "Largest nearest-neighbour link and connectivity threshold in a polytopal random sample"
2022 "Non-integrable stable approximation by {S}tein’s method"
2022 "Fractal {G}aussian Networks: A sparse random graph model based on {G}aussian Multiplicative Chaos"
2022 "Natural boundary of the random power series"
2022 "Quantitative two-scale stabilization on the {P}oisson space"
2022 "Multivariate normal approximation on the {W}iener space: new bounds in the convex distance"
2022 "On $k$-clusters of high-intensity random geometric graphs"
2021 "Malliavin--Stein method: a survey of some recent developments"
2021 "A probabilistic approach to the {E}rd{\"o}s-{K}ac theorem for additive functions"
2020 "Fractal {G}aussian Networks: A sparse random graph model based on {G}aussian Multiplicative Chaos"
2020 "Restricted hypercontractivity on the {P}oisson space"
2020 "Uniform dimension results for the inverse images of symmetric {L\'e}vy processes"
2019 "On the favorite points of symmetric {L}{\'e}vy processes"
2019 "Multifractal properties of sample paths of ground state-transformed jump processes"
2019 "Berry-{E}sseen bounds in the {B}reuer-{M}ajor {CLT} and {G}ebelein's inequality"
2019 "On sojourn of {B}rownian motion inside moving boundaries"
2018 "Uniform hausdorff dimension result for the inverse images of stable {L\'e}vy processes"
2018 "Hausdorff dimension of the range and the graph of stable-like processes"
2018 "Multifractality of jump diffusion processes"
2017 "Multifractal analysis for the occupation measure of stable-like processes"
2016 "Etude dimensionnelle de la r{\'e}gularit{\'e} de processus de diffusion {\`a} sauts"


E. Azmoodeh, G. Peccati, and X. Yang, Malliavin–stein method: A survey of some recent developments, Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications 8 (2021), no. 2, 141–177.
L. H. Chen, A. Jaramillo, and X. Yang, A probabilistic approach to the Erdös-Kac theorem for additive functions, arXiv Preprint arXiv:2102.05094 (2021).
L. H. Chen, A. Jaramillo, and X. Yang, A generalized Kubilius-Barban-Vinogradov bound for prime multiplicities, ALEA 20 (2023), 713–730.
P. Chen, I. Nourdin, L. Xu, and X. Yang, Multivariate stable approximation by Stein’s method, Journal of Theoretical Probability (2023), 1–43.
P. Chen, I. Nourdin, L. Xu, X. Yang, and R. Zhang, Non-integrable stable approximation by Stein’s method, Journal of Theoretical Probability (2022), 1–50.
S. Ghosh, K. Balasubramanian, and X. Yang, Fractal Gaussian networks: A sparse random graph model based on Gaussian multiplicative chaos, in International Conference on Machine Learning, (PMLR, 2020), pp. 3545–3555.
S. Ghosh, K. Balasubramanian, and X. Yang, Fractal Gaussian networks: A sparse random graph model based on Gaussian multiplicative chaos, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 68 (2022), no. 5, 3234–3252.
F. Higgs, M. D. Penrose, and X. Yang, Covering one point process with another, arXiv Preprint arXiv:2401.03832 (2024).
Y. Huo, D. Sun, X. Yang, and L. Fang, Natural boundary of the random power series, Science China Mathematics (2022), 1–20.
R. Lachièze-Rey, G. Peccati, and X. Yang, Quantitative two-scale stabilization on the Poisson space, The Annals of Applied Probability 32 (2022), no. 4, 3085–3145.
B. Li, Y. Xiao, and X. Yang, On the favorite points of symmetric Lévy processes, Journal of Theoretical Probability 32 (2019), 1943–1972.
J. Lőrinczi, and X. Yang, Multifractal properties of sample paths of ground state-transformed jump processes, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 120 (2019), 83–94.
I. Nourdin, G. Peccati, and X. Yang, Berry-Esseen bounds in the Breuer-Major CLT and Gebelein’s inequality, Electronic Communications in Probability 24 (2019), no. 34, 1–12.
I. Nourdin, G. Peccati, and X. Yang, Restricted hypercontractivity on the Poisson space, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 148 (2020), no. 8, 3617–3632.
I. Nourdin, G. Peccati, and X. Yang, Multivariate normal approximation on the Wiener space: New bounds in the convex distance, Journal of Theoretical Probability 35 (2022), no. 3, 2020–2037.
H. Park, Y. Xiao, and X. Yang, Uniform dimension results for the inverse images of symmetric vy processes, Journal of Theoretical Probability 33 (2020), no. 4, 2213–2232.
M. D. Penrose, and X. Yang, On \(k\)-clusters of high-intensity random geometric graphs, arXiv Preprint arXiv:2209.14758 (2022).
M. D. Penrose, and X. Yang, On the rate of convergence in the hall-janson coverage theorem, arXiv Preprint arXiv:2405.16461 (2024).
M. D. Penrose, and X. Yang, Fluctuations of the connectivity threshold and largest nearest-neighbour link, arXiv Preprint arXiv:2406.00647 (2024).
M. D. Penrose, X. Yang, and F. Higgs, Largest nearest-neighbour link and connectivity threshold in a polytopal random sample, Journal of Applied and Computational Topology (2023), 1–28.
S. Seuret, and X. Yang, Multifractal analysis for the occupation measure of stable-like processes, Electron. J. Probab 22 (2017), no. 47, 1–36.
S. Seuret, and X. Yang, On sojourn of Brownian motion inside moving boundaries, Stochastic Processes and Their Applications 129 (2019), no. 3, 978–994.
R. Song, Y. Xiao, and X. Yang, Uniform hausdorff dimension result for the inverse images of stable vy processes, Electronic Communications in Probability 23 (2018), 75.
X. Yang, Etude dimensionnelle de la régularité de processus de diffusion à sauts, PhD thesis, Paris Est, (2016).
X. Yang, Hausdorff dimension of the range and the graph of stable-like processes, Journal of Theoretical Probability 31 (2018), no. 4, 2412–2431.
X. Yang, Multifractality of jump diffusion processes, Annales de L’Institut Henri Poincare Section (B) Probability and Statistics 54 (2018), no. 4, 2042–2074.